Megan Thee Stallion is a beautiful, talented, driven, smart black woman who I adore. Her music reflects the importance of confidence, self-love, self-worth, and living your life the way YOU want, unapologetically. Here are some of my favorite lyrics from her that also serve as my morning affirmations.
1. Anxiety. | TRAUMAZINE album.
“Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, bad b*tches have bad days too. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, bounce back how a bad b*tch always do.”
Being happy 100% of the time is unrealistic because there are so many other emotions that require our attention. Emotional maturity comes from how thoroughly and intensely you feel, not your ability to pretend you’re okay when you’re not. An emotionally intelligent person knows that sadness, anger, and depression will not kill you; resisting it will.
You’re either in harmony with every emotion and the way they flow through you, or you resist yourself into feeling nothing. The goal is to be at peace; okay with the good and the bad because you will experience a handful of both in this lifetime.
You cannot move around something, you have to move through it in order to bounce back from it.
It’s the parts of us we suppress and ignore that are the parts that become silent, insidious, controlling monsters.
2. Tuned In Freestyle. | SOMETHING FOR THEE HOTTIES album.
“Cus I f*cking want to, if they ask me why.”
You don’t owe anyone an explanation, nor do you need anyone to validate your choices. “Because I want to.” is the most valid reasoning you can give.
No one has your best interests at heart more than you do, so leaning into yourself is imperative. What matters isn’t what others will think, or root for, but what you’re willing to do even if no one claps for you… and if you have enough trust within yourself to clap alone; to do what feels right in that moment.
What you choose to do with your life doesn’t have to make sense to anybody but you, because it’s nobody’s business but your own.
3. Not Nice. | TRAUMAZINE album.
“I’m not nice, I’m the sh*t. I’m done with bein’ humble ’cause I know that I’m that b*tch.”
Your worth isn’t measured by what others think of you, but by the way you think of yourself; the way you feel when you look in the mirror. You glow differently when your confidence is fueled by belief in yourself rather than validation from others. Insecurity lingers, and it’s so easy to feel it, but don’t let outside sources convince you that you’re not enough. Stop downplaying yourself.
Your mind is the lens through which you perceive the world, so focus on the qualities that set you apart, that make you, you, and fill you with an intense love and proudness of who you are. We scream and cry about not being loved for who we are, yet these insecurities cause us to mask the best parts of us.
Show up as you are, truly and authentically, every day. At our core, there is only light.
4. Plan B. | single
“Ladies, love yourself cus this sh*t could get ugly.”
We’ve always been told to love ourselves, but seemed to miss the part where loving ourselves is giving ourselves what we want from others.
People, as a whole, are unreliable. Trust is scarce. Life is unpredictable. And it does get ugly. The longest and most important relationship you’ll ever have in this world is the one you have with yourself. That’s the one you should be catering to consistently.
If you were to lose everything today, you’d still have you, and that has to count for more than anything.