black woman with towel applying cream on face
Energy Self-Love

Read This If You Feel Like A Broken Record…

One of the most draining things I’ve ever had to endure is repeating myself. Not explaining myself- but over explaining myself. While communicating is important, when do we just stop and say “okay”?

“Communication is key”, but so is a sense of understanding. You can be the best at communicating your feelings. But when the recipient doesn’t even attempt to understand where you’re coming from or why you’re even speaking on it, communication in this sense is pointless. It’s like talking to a brick wall.

If I tell you something that bothers me and you’re not willing to see where I’m coming from, then what’s the point in wasting any more breath on the subject?

You say okay when they’re committed to misunderstanding you.

When they’ve shown no signs in wanting to do better.

When they work against you, instead of with you.

You explain things so vividly, so crystal clear, and you’re heard.

The massive headache that forms when no amount of words seem to articulate what you feel is unreal. That, “What do you mean?” when you’ve mapped out exactly what you mean is infuriating!

Effective communication is done when the involving parties are able to see both sides and come to an agreement. It’s being able to have a conversation without it leading to an argument.

When someone takes the time to communicate their feelings it’s because they want you to understand. Me personally, I’m not going to speak on something I don’t care about with someone I don’t care about.

If we don’t care, we won’t say anything. We will just let the situation be. This is why it’s so important to not only listen, but to try and see things from different perspectives. It’s a huge kick to the face when things that bother us are made out to be insignificant.

You’re not hard to understand and you’re not being complicated. You’re just dealing with someone who doesn’t respect you enough to listen.

I will forever preach about how important being able to communicate is, but I also want to include the fact that continuously communicating the same problems to the same person is a waste of your time.

There are people out there who unfortunately like to argue. They like to go back and forth and escalate situations. It’s fun for them! Don’t give them that joy.

Your time and energy is too valuable to be wasting, so act like it. You say what you have to say, and from there it’s out of your hands. You played your part, but you can’t force anyone to play theirs.

Know when to say okay and end a conversation. You’ll drain your energy feeding into conflicts and arguments with no sign of resolution.

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